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Producers make food for most organisms: they depend on them for their survival. Decomposers deliver nutrients back inot the soil and decompose dead/decaying animals/plants.

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Q: What is the stability of an ecosystem depends on its producers and decomposers?
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Is a beetles producers or consumers or Decomposers?

A consumer, it depends on other plant/animals as a food source.

Is a draggonfly a consumer a producer or a decomposer?

A consumer, it depends on other plant/animals as a food source.

How does every consumer in an ecosystem depend on producers?

without producers, consumers could not survive because producers are basically plants, which herbivores eat, and then carnivores consume them, so it depends a lot on producers.

Which organisims are the producers in this ecosystem?

Well, it depends on which ecosystem. In most ecosystems the plants are the producers and the rodents and insects are the first level consumers. Plants like grass and weeds are consumed by field mice and other rodents.

Are leaves decomposers?

It is a decomposer. It breaks down all the dead substances around it.

Food web stability is most dependent on?

The stability of a food web depends on the primary producers, which are the only ones that can transform sunlight , into chemical energy that is necessary for all species to survive.

Which living organisms are importants in ecosystem?

The living organisms that are dominant in a particular ecosystem depends on the ecosystem. In the rainforest for example, plants are the dominant organisms. In the desert, the animals are the dominant organisms.

How many number of species are there in a natural ecosystem?

It all depends on the number of producers, how many consumers there are. In a desert there are may be only a hundred but in a tropical rain forest there are millions.

What are some decomposers in a pond?

Fungi and bacteria are important aspect of the ecosystem, and are known as decomposers. Decomposers break down materials that can be used by consumers, particularly zooplankton.

Why is the pyramid of biomass in the English channel inverted?

The inverted biomass pyramid is where the weight of the producers is less than the weight of the consumers. The inverted pyramid is more prevalent in aquatic ecosystems, as in such an environment, the biomass depends on the reproductive ability and the lifespan of the species. The best example is the pond ecosystem, where the mass of the producers of the ecosystem, which are generally the phytoplanktons is always less than the mass of the consumers in the ecosystem, which are generally fish and other insects.

How does deforestation destroy your ecosystem?

Well, at the first level you have the producers. Everything above that depends on them for food. So, if these producers (in this case, the trees) were to be cut down, then there would be a smaller amount of resources that the ecosystem needs to survive.

Are insect larvae decomposers?

It depends on the species. Insect larvae may be decomposers, predators, herbivores, or parasites.