

What is the stable hand duties?

Updated: 12/23/2022
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Q: What is the stable hand duties?
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One who shoes horses?

farm hand, stable boy, ranch hand

How much does a stable hand get paid per month?

The amount paid to a stable hand will vary from stable to stable, but they should expect to make minimum wage and to work long hours.

What are the traditional duties a Groom has to perform in a stable?

The main duty of a horse groom is to take care of the horses in the stable. Traditional duties include cleaning the stable, bathing, combing or braiding the mane and tail, feeding the horses and maintaining an adequate supply of drinking water.

What are the duties of groom?

The duties of a groom in the modern days are to feed, brush, muck out and excercise the horses and ponies of the yard. e.g. the groom mucked out the pony's stable.

Who is crooks in mice and men?

black stable-hand

What is the difference between a stable hand and a groom?

a stable hand cleans stalls and helps around the barn, a groom is strictly used for the care of horses they might bath them and clean them

How old do you have to be a stable hand?

The age to become a stable hand will vary depending on the stable. Many stables have families that have been there a long time and children have grown up around horses. These kids sometimes start as early as 12 or 13.

What is a stable job?

It could be mucking out turning out sweeping or riding. It is basically any yard duties required by you employee

What are three horse careers?

it can be an equine dentist an instructor or a stable-hand :)

What do you call a horse farm helper?

Here on the farm, we call our paid helpers farm/stable hands. Non-paid workers are called volunteer farm/stable hands. Some horse farms have programs in which people exchange help on the farm for lessons or an education. These are usually called working students. Answer2: stable woman or stable man Answer3: Stable hand, farm hand, stable man/woman, working student, groom, and lad are all terms used for someone who works on a horse farm.

What does a fixed jurisdictional area mean?

bureaucrats carry out specific duties within an organizational structure that remains stable over time.

How old was a stable hand in medieval times?

During the Middle Ages, a stable hand could have been just about any age starting quite young. I suppose there were many who were six or seven years old. People did not live to be as old then as they do now. A stable hand who was seventy would have been considered very, very old, but there probably were a few of that age.