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It is a pressure of 1 bar.

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Q: What is the standard atmospheric conditions for water to boil at 212F are?
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Steam for a kettle is what temperature?

Water boils into steam at 100C or 212F at sea-level pressure.

What is the evaporating point of water?

Well the definition is the point (temperature) at which water or any other substance is able to evaporate. It depends what substance it is, but for water, it is around the boiling point because when water boils, it also evaporates.Answer:Evaporation and boiling are similar as far as the observed results but are different as far as the conditions. Bailing occurs when the vapour pressure of the liquid reached the local atmospheric pressure. In the case of water this would be 100oC at one atmosphere pressure.Evaporation occurs whenever the relative amount of material in the surrounding air has a lower vapour pressure than the partial pressure of the material in the air. As an example using water again, a puddle of water will still dry up when the air is almost zero as long as the air has a relative humidity of less than 100%As a consequence the re is bolling point, but no standard evaporation point.

What is a temperature scale in which 32 degrees F is the freezing point of water and 212F is the boiling point of water called?

The temperature scale in which water freezes at 32 degrees and boils (vaporizes) at 212 degrees is the Fahrenheit scale. It is based on a scale that Daniel Fahrenheit in 1724.

What happens to liquid water when it is heated?

When water is heated it begins to vaporize into the air as steam. If the water is allowed to boil for a while, it will totally evaporate into the air.