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Q: What is the start up time for a wind farm?
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What is the start up time for wind?

The planet always has wind, your question is spurious.

Is a wind farm a place where pinwheels are planted and grow up to be wind turbines?


Why can you make wind farm?

Wind farms are just groups of wind power generators. The term farm is probaby used because they are put up in country areas.

Where is the Cape Wind wind farm?

Cape Wind wind farm is located offshore from Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They are developing many new windmills to put up in that area and are looking for a greener future for our country.

How do you find a place suitable to put up wind power farm?

local regulations and someplace windy

Why are most wind farm built near the top of the hill?

they are on top of hills because the wind is stronger when it is up high and there is nothing else at that height to get in the way

Are the wind farms hooked up to the power grid?

Wind generators are not all on the grid, but it is difficult to imagine why a wind farm would be built off the grid. Certainly most are on the grid. Possibly all are.

What to expect when a tornado hits?

you will see a pinkish sky and feel warm and cold air at the same time and the wind will start to pick up and get firse.

What does rain do in zombie farm?

it speeds up growth time

How much does a sheep farm cost?

This depends on where you live and what the rate is for the amount of land you need. This doesn't include the start-up expenses that you have to endure when starting up your sheep farm.

Not an example of sliding friction?

wind on a farm barbwire fence...(perhaps dust is instrumental)can actually build up a big charge

What is the start up time for nuclear?

Can you define what you mean by 'start up time' please. It could mean the time to build the plant and commission it, or it could mean the time to start up from cold.