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Q: What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume in a container?
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The state of matter that keeps its shape its shape and volume when is placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when its plced into a different container?


The state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when its place in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when it it placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps it shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps it's shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What is the state of matter that keeps its shape and volume when it is placed in a different container?


What is Matter that takes the shape and volume of its container?


What state of matter will always take the shape and volume of its container?

the state of matter that changes shape when placed in a different container is water

Which states of matter takes the shape and volume of its container?

a liquid

Something that keeps the same volume but fills the shape of its container is called?

A liquid.