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It depends on the type of debt if it is secured by collateral or unsecured. Typically all debt can be collected for 7 years from the date of the last payment made to the loan. Or the first date of default being reported to the credit report.

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16y ago
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15y ago

First...all SOLs start from when the return is never file and it is always, perpetually open. Theexact time frame depends on thr type of tax 3 years is common. However, if the understatement of tax is large, over 25% of what is due, it once again etends things substantially and opens up criminal tax fraud possibilities.

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12y ago

If there is already a court order for child support in place, there is no statute of limitation. The other parent pays until paid in full regardless of the age of the child(ren).

If there's no court order, you need to file for support and, also, ask the court to award you retroactive support, for the time the other parent hasn't paid and you were supporting your child(ren) without any support.

Word of advise, you need to ask the court for retroactive support, it is not awarded automatically.

Good luck.

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13y ago

The statute of limitations for all debts in Kansas and every other state and territory of the US is seven years. This is established by the Fair Debt Collections Practices act. Keep in mind that the clock does not start running until the date of last payment. And, in the event a judgment is obtained, the statute of limitations increases to ten years, with the possibility of a ten year extension in the event the court permits it.

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Q: What is the statute of limitations on collections in kansas?
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No, the statute of limitations won't start over again unless you make a payment.

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Yes, there's a stature of limitations for failure to appear in court in the state of Kansas. The stature of limitations is for five years.

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Contract Kansas Statute of Limitations?

Contracts: Written, 5 years; Oral, 2 years.

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