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Q: What is the statute of limitations for small claims court in Connecticut?
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What is the statute of limitations for missouri's small claims court?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations to file a claim in small claims court is generally 5 years for most types of claims. It is important to check the specific details of your case with a legal professional to ensure accuracy.

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What is the statute of limitations for MO small claims court?

In Missouri, the statute of limitations for filing a claim in small claims court is generally 5 years for contract disputes and 5 years for personal injury claims. It is important to consult with an attorney or check the specific laws for your case to ensure accuracy.

How long is the statute of limitations in Florida to take a company to small claims court?

In Florida, the statute of limitations to file a claim in small claims court is generally four years for most types of cases. It is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure you meet all the requirements and deadlines for filing a claim.

Statute of limitations on divorce settlement in California?

There is no statute of limitations on a divorce settlement. A divorce settlement is part of a court order and court orders do not expire.

What is the statute of limitations in Kentucky for failure to appear in court?

There is no general statute of limitations for failure to appear in court. However, there will be an active charge against you starting when you miss your court appearance.Ê

What is the statute of limitations in small claims court for breach of contract in Texas?

Texas's statute of limitations on a written contract is 4 years. They do not specify for an oral contract. And please be aware that the state law that applies could be different based on the actual contract language.

Statute of limitations owing money to Phoenix AZ municiple court?

No statute of limitation. You must pay the court.

After five years can a creditor still take you to court?

What you are asking about is a statute of limitations. If a creditor files suit after the statute of limitations has ended, you can file a motion to dismissed based on the expired statute of limitations. The length of the statute of limitations depends on the state and the type of claim they'd be filing against you.

What is the statute of limitations for minor in possession in tx?

The statute of limitations for possession for a minor in possession charge is 2 years in Texas. The statute of limitations refers to the time one has to bring a suit in court against another party.

What is he statute of limitations on a warrant for aggravated assault?

There is no statute of limitations on an arrest warrant. The warrant is valid until it is either served or recalled by the court that issued it.

Statute of limitations in California for small claims?

The statute of limitations for California small claims court cases depends on the type of claim. There is a four year statute of limitations for written contract cases, three years for property damage and 2 years for personal injury cases. The California Courts have an online self-help center for small claims court that handles such basics as how to file a case, what to do if you are being sued and how to collect a judgment.