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It depends on the type of carnation and the way it is grown.

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Q: What is the stem length of a carnation?
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Related questions

Is a carnation stem thicker than a celery stick?

No a carnation stem is much thinner than a celery stalk.

Is a carnation poisonous?

Carnations are not listed as toxic to humans or pets by the ASPCA. However, it is always best to keep any plant out of reach of children and animals to prevent potential ingestion or skin irritation.

How do you get a carnation that is half red and half blue?

Get a white carnation. Using a craftknife, cut the stem in half for half its length. Place the two halves in different glasses - one containing diluted blue food dye and the other containing red - for about half an hour or until it reaches the desired colour.

Why cut stem of carnation at angle?

To expose more of the cut surface to the water to increase the drawing power

The primary growth of a stem?

increases the length of the stem

What is an advantage of using stem length to measure plant growth?

The stem mostly being above the ground grows in length very rapidly. It is easy to measure stem length without harming the plant as such.

Do carnation flowers grow singly?

The most popular carnations used by florists have one single flower per stem.

What is stem length?

Stem length differ from plant to plant maximum 400 ft in ground plants.

Would it be possible to change a white carnation 3 or 4 colors how?

Put different food coloring in jar (you can add water if you want lighter color) then take a carnation and split the stem into however many jar of coloring you have. Stick part of a stem in each jar then leave it for a couple hours. This is called colorful carnation if you would like to look it up on the internet. Or go to

How will food coloring effect a white carnation?

Actually, if you put a white carnation in food coloring, the carnations will turn that color. Example: Put a white carnation in red food coloring. In a few weeks, the flower will turn red.

Auxins are plant hormones which tend to decrease stem length?

False, Auxins tend to increase stem length.

What is the length of a flower's stem?

The Leangth of a flower stem us 5 in.