

What is the stimuli for touch?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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Q: What is the stimuli for touch?
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What is stimuli impulse?

Stimuli is the part of a plant.if we touch leaves of mimosa

Name three stimuli to which plants respond?

gravity light and touch are the three stimuli for plant tropisms.

What is a stimuli for touch?

look in theyour science book dummys

2 stimuli that a plant would respond to?

Touch-me-not and sunflower

What do you tend to focus your attention on stimuli?

Humans tend to focus their attention on stimuli. This is an unconscious effort that normally occurs. This stimuli is focused on sight, sound, taste, and touch.

Types of stimuli?

Stimuli are composed of two types: The Internal Stimuli and External Stimuli. Under internal stimuli are homeostatic imbalances and blood pressure. On the other hand, external stimuli are vision, touch and pain, taste, smell, equilibrium and sound.

Thigmotropism is a plant's response to?

Thigmotropism is a movement in which an organism moves or grows in response to touch or contact stimuli.

How does plants respond to touch?

Some plants dont like it when you touch them they need to be nurtured carefully

The two main ways in which neurons are able to react to stimuli are?

The two main ways in which neurons are able to react to stimuli are conduction impulses and communicating with each other. These stimuli can be touch, sound, light, taste, and smell.

How do flowering plants respond to stimuli?

through closing their leaves or flowers like "touch me not plant"

What are the 4 types of stimuli detected by certain cutaneous receptors?

Touch, Pressure, Temperature and Pain