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Q: What is the streak for pyrite and magnitie?
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What is the streak of pyrite?

The streak should be olive greenish. My class did a streak test and found that out with pyrite. You want to do it? Get pyrite, a tile, and rub it across the tile. You should find out. But according to our results, pyrite had the olive green streak.

How streak is used to distinguish between gold and pyrite?

Gold will have a yellow metallic streak, pyrite will have a greenish-black streak.

Describe why color and streak are useful in identifying pyrite?

Pyrite's color is extremely similar to that of gold. However, the streak of pyrite is black. This can be used to distinguish it from gold.

What test is used to identify gold from pyrite?

When dragged across a streak plate, gold will leave a yellow streak, pyrite will leave a greenish-black streak. It is one way of differentiating gold from pyrite.

What is the streak of an iron pyrite?

Greenish black

Does pyrite leave a streak when scratched?


What kind of mineral leaves a greenish-black streak and cannot be scratched by fluorite?


What color is the streak of a pyrite?

the color of crushed pyrite is a greenish brown. Compared to gold which is gold.

The streak of which mineral is different from its external color?


Which mineral has a streak different from its external color?


What is the difference in streak between gold and Fool's Gold?

Gold will have a gold metallic streak, and Fool's Gold (pyrite) will have a greenish black streak.

How is fools gold like and different than gold?

Pyrite and gold are similar in color, and both are relatively heavy when compared to other minerals and rock. Pyrite fractures when hit with a hammer. Gold, however, is malleable. Pyrite leaves a brownish-black streak on a streak plate. Gold leaves a gold-colored streak. Gold is nearly 4 times as heavy as pyrite. Gold is much softer than pyrite on the Mohs hardness scale.