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Q: What is the stressed symbol for dangerous?
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Is the word dangerous a stressed first syllable?

Yes, in the word "dangerous," the first syllable "dan" is stressed. It is pronounced as DAN-juh-rus.

Stressed syllable dangerous?

Dangerous is stressed on the first syllable. (deyn-jer-uhs)

Is the first or second syllable stressed in dangerous?

The first syllable in "dangerous" is stressed.

Do alligators get stressed?

Yes, especially when handled. The amounts of lactic acid in their system can rise to dangerous levels if they are stressed too much.

What is gray live in a tree and is terribly dangerous?

The grey tree frog, while not normally dangerous, can produce toxins when stressed.

What is the symbol used in pronunciation keys that indicates a stressed syllable?

It is the symbol to the left of the "1" on the second line of a standard keyboard. It looks somewhat like this: `

What is the least dangerous HHPS symbol?

The triangle shape

What does an apostrophe in dictionary pronunciation mean?

An apostrophe in dictionary pronunciation typically indicates a small pause or break between syllables in a word. It helps in representing how the word should be pronounced, guiding the speaker on the correct emphasis and intonation.

What is the three symbols of word stress?

The three symbols of word stress are the primary stress symbol ( ˈ ), the secondary stress symbol ( ˌ ), and the unstressed symbol ( ˈ ). The primary stress symbol is used to mark the syllable that is stressed the most in a word, while the secondary stress symbol marks syllables that are stressed less than the primary stress but more than the unstressed syllables. The unstressed symbol is used for syllables that do not carry any stress.

What symbol is this for nH4ClO3?

ammonium perchlorate, it is a strong oxidizer and is very dangerous.

What is the symbol in the short story The Most Dangerous Game?

That men are hunters

Is it dangerous for a baby guinea pig to be with its father?

No, unless it's stressed, in which case it a fight could break out with any guinea pig.