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There are three named sections of water between Denmark and Sweden.

From the south:

Öresund, Kattegatt, Skagerakk

The northernmost, Skagerakk, also borders on Norway

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 3y ago

Kattegat (the large northern part - roughly between Swedish cities Gothenburg and Helsingborg) and Öresund (the narrow strait from Swedish cities Helsingborg to Malmö).

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Q: What is the stretch of water between Denmark and Sweden?
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What ocen separates Denmark from Sweden?

A body of water called the Kattegat separates Denmark from Sweden.

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The body of water that separates Denmark and Sweden is the Øresund Strait. It connects the Baltic Sea to the southwest with the Kattegat Strait to the northeast.

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The neighboring countries to Sweden are Norway and Finland by land, and the Russian Federation, the Baltic countries, Poland, Germany and Denmark by water.

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Germany and Sweden are the two countries that directly border Denmark. Norway is also close to Denmark, but there is a body of water separating the two countries.

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Norway, Sweden, Denmark.

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A body of water off the North Sea called the Skagerrak (as versus the Kattegat, which separates Denmark from Sweden).