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It's called an elliptical pupil, it basically is an evolutionary sight failure fail safe, though they are susceptible to cataracts it keeps there vision sharp and it allows the pupil to open and close much faster than our sorry little round pupil hehe, it's also used in there night vision, but I'm not sure how

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Q: What is the stripey pupil in a cats eyes called?
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What is the black dot in your eyes?

its called your pupil.

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Pupil of the eye is called "नेत्रक" (Netrak) in Hindi.

Black small dot in your left eyes?

Its called a pupil.

Homophone of pupil eyes?

The homophone of "pupil eyes" is "people lies."

What is the opening that lets light enter the eyes?

The pupil.

Why do the big cats have eyes that glow in the dark what causes their eyes to glow?

Their eyes aren't glowing but, they are reflecting light which causes them to have the appearance of a glow. The light reflects in this way because cats can see in the dark. They need this ability because they are nocturnal. Cats have amazing night vision and this is because of their pupil shape and the ability of the pupils to dilate so large.

What is the name of the coloured muscular diaphragms that surround and control the size of the eyes pupil?

It's called the iris.

Why do cats eyes change shapes?

They change because when the cat is focusing on a specific object the pupil gets bigger to keep focus, when the pupil is a diamond shape that then means that the cat/kitten is not focusing on something particular

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