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Q: What is the strong force responsible for?
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What is responsible for holding atoms together?

Strong force

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A Strong Nuclear Force

What force is responsible for the repulsion between two positively-charge particles?

The strong nuclear force.

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What is the force that is responsible for the radioactivity that allows us to make nuclear power and atomic bombs?

There are two forces responsible for radioactivity: the Strong nuclear force and the Weak nuclear force.

What force makes the nucleus push itself apart?

There is the strong nuclear force that keeps the nucleus together, but then there is also the weak nuclear force that is responsible for the radioactive decay and is responsible for the fusion of hydrogen in stars. There is also the electromagnetic force that combats the strong force and attempts to push the nucleus apart, this is, however, unsuccessful.

Which force is responsible of the release of energy in nuclear power plants and in nuclear weapons?

the strong nuclear force is responsible for most of it, but the weak nuclear force contributes some in the decay of fission products.

Which of the four fundamental forces of nature is responsible for holding the atom's nucleus together?

the strong force

Which particle is responsible for holding the nucleus together?

The strong force, which attracts neutrons and protons amongst themselves.

Which force is greater an electromagnetic force or a strong nuclear force?

The strong nuclear force is responsible ofmaintainingprotons and neutrons within the nucleus (its range is short) while the electromagnetic force is responsible of maintaining the electrons around the nucleus.

What is the strongest force in the nature?

It depends on distance you are working with. There is a force called "Strong". It is responsible for holding nuclei together. Thus if you are looking at distances comparable with size of nuclei the strongest force is "Strong" force. At microlevel the strongest force is Coulomb force (including Van der Waals).