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It had no representaition of its concerns in Parilament, and it divided Americans to Lyaltists.

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Q: What is the strongest reason against independence of America?
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What is the strongest reason against independence?

The strongest reason against independence was that the colonists would have to work very hard a creating a stable country. All aspects of how to fund the country, defend the country, and get recognition seemed all but impossible. The strongest reasoning for independence was that the country could gain their freedom and enjoy more of the amenities they were already working so hard to obtain.

What ideas are expressed in the declaration of independence to explain the reason for the fight against Britain?


Why is independence important for Mexico?

The same reason America celebrates the 4th of July: it commemorates the day the struggle of independence from the "mother country" begun.

How did they lose a colony in America?

The reason why hey lost a colony in America was because of the American Civil War (1861-1865), then England had a war with America and the war ended on the 4th of July, and that is here we get Independence Day from. Independence day is also a film.

A major reason for prejudice against Irish immigrants to America in the 1840s and 1850s was?


What continent is highest?

STRONG CONTINENTSNorth America : Has the strongest military forces and strongest economies in the world; best examples: US & CanadaAsia: Same reason as North Americans; best examples: Russia, China, India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore, Arabia and JapanEurope: Same reason as North America and Asia; best examples: British, French and Germans.WEAK CONTINENTSAfrica: African nations have always been facing invasions by a nation that belongs to strong continents.South America: Same reason as Africa, but economically South America is always in the bottom of the list as well.

What was the primary reason of the war of independence from Spain?

The unwillingness of Spain to modernize the country. The question is incredibly vague. Numerous countries have had wars of independence against Spain. Please resubmit with the name of the country.

What was the main reason that the American fought for independence from England?

The unwillingness of spain to modernize the country. The question is incredibly vague. Numerous countries have had wars of independence against Spain. Please resubmit with the name of the country.

How does the declaration of independence continue to shape America today?

The Declaration of Independence shows what the USA will not put up with then and now. The Colonies were tired of GB telling them what to do. Without the Declaration we would not be free today. The Declaration pretty much told GB that they were willing to wadge war against them and the Colonies won,which is why we are free today. The Declaration of Independence is the reason for the Constitution.

How and when did Guam gain their independence?

hate to bust your bubble,but Guam is still a territory of the united states of America,i doubt if they will gain their independence,reason being is simple, it is and always will be vital too the u.s. military.

How did the colonist react to the decloration of independence?

It gave them hope and a drive to fight against England a reason to sacrifice their lives. It gave them a reason to fight the king! To free themselves from the king's unjust actions.

Key reason for the Declaration of Independence?

Well the main reason for writing the Declaration of Independence was to do exactly what it says, declare their independence from Great Britain. But there were many other reasons, among them being they were being wrongfully, extravagantly taxed for common goods without proper representation in the British Parliament. And because they had no representation in Parliament, they were powerless. That was one huge reason.