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it is a jaw bone

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Q: What is the structure in the midline of the mandible?
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Would the back of your knee be lateral or medial?

A structure on the inside of the knee will be medial compared to a structure on the outside. For example, the medial condyles of the knee are closer to the body's midline than the lateral condyles.

What bone in face contains coronoid process?

The Mandible. The Coronoid process a prominent projection just anterior to the Condylar Process.

How do you tell whether something is medial or lateral?

A medial structure is closer to the midline of the body or lies in the midline of the body. A lateral structure is on the sides of the body, or closer to the sides than some other structure to which it's being compared.

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Is the sternum medial to the heart?

The gallbladder is lateral to the sternum. The sternum is a midline structure.

Is the lungs lateral to the sternum?

Yes, the right lung is lateral to the heart. Lateral is described from the midline outward; medial is outward toward the midline.

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The humerus is lateral to the sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, is midline.

Is the spine medial or lateral?

The spine is a medial structure. It lies in the midline of the body.

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Is the nose lateral to the cheekbones?

medial: towards the midline (ear to nose) lateral: away from the midline (nose to ear) nose is midline, cheekbone is away from midline Answer: No, the nose is towards the midline as compared to the cheekbones. It is medial.

Is the ulna medial?

The ulna is not a midline structure. It is, however, the most medial bone of the forearm.