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Crustaceans obtain oxygen through gills.

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Q: What is the structure through which crustacean obtain oxygen?
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Where do you obtain oxygen from?

you obtain oxygen from your lungs you could breath through your nose and through your mouth

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Do reptiles obtain oxygen through their skin?

No, its just some reptiles that obtain oxygen through their skin. Many of them breath through their lungs.

How does a multicellular organism obtain oxygen?

multicellular organisms obtain their oxygen through the respiratory system

How do you obtain the resources you need to survive?

They obtain energy through the air and obtain oxygen through their gills to breath

What structure that animals use to obtain oxygen?

Lungs, gills and sometimes skin.

How do dogs obtain oxygen?

Dogs obtain oxygen by inhaling it through the air and traveling to their lungs. From their it goes to the bloodstream.

How do pterodactyls obtain oxygen?

Pterodactyls do not obtain oxygen at this time because they are extinct. While they existed, they probably obtained oxygen in the same way that birds today obtain it through the use of lungs.

Oxygen diffuses through what structure?

A semipermeable membrane.

How Do Scorpions Obtain Oxygen?

it breathes through its nose and it keeps it in its lungs

How do lancelet's obtain oxygen?

Lancelets do not have lungs that aid in their respiration. The two ways in which lancelets obtain the necessary oxygen for sustaining their life is by taking oxygen in through their pharynx and absorbing oxygen through their skin.

How do rays obtain oxygen?

like any other fish. water passes through their gills and the gills absorb the oxygen through their gills.