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Q: What is the struggle for resources in an ecosystem?
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Beacause there are not enough resources in the ecosystem,organisim must struggle with one another to things they need to survive

Why does competition happen?

Competition happens because there are limited resources in an ecosystem.

When resources are not permanently depleted or damaged an ecosystem is considered to be blanks?

Resources are not permanently depleted or damaged an ecosystem is considered to be sustainable.

When there are enough resources for every living thing in an ecosystem the ecosystem is?


When there are enough resources for every living thing in an ecosystem the ecosystem is .?


When resources are not permanently depleted or damaged an ecosystem is considered to be what?

An ecosystem considered to be sustainable when resources are not permanently depleted or damaged.

What is the difference between natural resources and ecosystem capital?

Natural resources are the things that are present in nature right now. Ecosystem capital is when corporations use those resources to make a profit.

What is capital ecosystem?

Ecosystem Capital is basically the resources that are needed for humans to survive, and be economically active. All of which is provided by the ecosystem.

What is the ecosystem at Point A?

Answer this question… C.There is no competition for resources.

In any ecosystem the basic resources that organisms need for survival are always in limited supply. is a potential result of these limitations?

competition among members of an ecosystem for resources and elimination of one or more species from an ecosystem

When more orginasims move into a ecosystem and use more resources the results are?

Shortage of resources.

Why do all organisms face a struggle to survive when natural resources are limited?

Living beings need a certain amount of resources to live. If resources are limited then organisms must struggle against others to get enough resources to keep living.