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Q: What is the study of opinions or beliefs?
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Why can't science answer beliefs or opinions?

Science can impact beliefs and opinions only to the extent that the beliefs and opinions are based on repeatable observations of physical processes that can be subjected to experiment.

Is astronomy based on opinions and beliefs?

Nope! it's a scientific study of our universe. Astrology however, is a belief.

What are American political beliefs and opinions?

No statement of political beliefs and opinions of 325 million people (Americans) can be true.Any statement of political beliefs and opinions will be true for some people (Americans).

Does science ignore belief and opinions?


List the two thing the affects your personal beliefs and opinions about financial planning?

Two things that effect our personal beliefs and opinions about financial planning

One who holds the beliefs or opinions contrary?

heathen Apex :)

People who think their beliefs and opinions are facts are?

likely experiencing a cognitive bias known as the belief bias, where they perceive their opinions as facts due to a lack of critical thinking or evidence to support their beliefs. It's important for individuals to remain open-minded and seek validated information to avoid falling prey to this bias.

Extreme or immoderate most often in beliefs or opinions?


What is meant by objectivity?

Unaffected by personal opinions, beliefs or prejudices.

Scientific conclusions that are influenced by the opinions or beliefs of the experimenter are?


What is meant by objectives?

Unaffected by personal opinions, beliefs or prejudices.

What is a plan or method for spreading beliefs or opinions is called?

The use of propaganda is a method to spread or promote ideas, beliefs, and opinions to further one's own cause or to damage an opposing cause.