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Q: What is the study of the hereditary basis of individual differences?
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What are the different types of individual differences or example of individual differences?

Diffrence in intrests, Attitude, values, study habits ,psychomotor skills, self concept are the diffrent types of individual diffrences. every person is diffrent from other on the basis of these points.

Definition of individual differences in psychology?

psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive process

What does an epidimiologist study?

It is the study of diseases (epidemics) as they affect and relate to groups of people and populations as a whole, rather than on an individual basis.

What is the biology that deals with the study of hereditary?


What are the differences between synecology and autecology?

The study of relationship between individual species and environment is called Autecology. Study of relationship between communities and environment is called synecology.

What is the Society of the Cincinnati known for today?

It is a Military Historical Society with headquarters in Washington, DC whose members are chosen on a hereditary basis from Revolutionary War officers.

What did Gregor Mendel use to study hereditary patterns?

P. sativum

In biology what is the study of hereditary called?

In biology, the study of hereditary or heredity is called Genetics. This field of science deals with the study of genes, evolution and how genes are transmitted from one generation to the other.

Are there differences in study skills for English and history?

yes there are differences

What is the study of individual study?


Who is one of the first people to study the patterns of heredity?

Gregor John Mendel was the first person to study about hereditary genetics

What is the definition of classification of organisms?

there is a wide range of organisms around is not possible to study each organism indiavidually so we create groups on the basis of similarities and differences between these organisms. also; classification includes identification,nomenclature or naming the organisms and placing into groups. scientifically, we call classification of organisms as taxonomy. Basically,you can say that Classification is the method of grouping organisms together on the basis of differences and similarities between them . creating groups makes study of organisms easier