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Heredity :)

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Q: What is the study of the transmission of traits from one generation to the another?
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What is the study of how organism pass traits from one generation to the next that is only 8 letters long?

Genetics is the study of biological inheritance, passing traits from one generation to another.

What is the name of the study of heredity traits of an organism?

Genetics Genes are the DNA that pass our hereditary traits from generation to generation

How inherited traits are passed from generation to generation?

you get them from your mother and father :)))))

The study of how traits pass from one generation to the next is called?


What is the name of the process that is the passing of physical characteristic down from one generation to the other?

The process by which a living thing passes its characteristics and traits to another generation can be called reproduction. More precisely the study of how these things are inherited is genetics.

Who was the first scientist to study and record how traits pass from one generation to the next?

the guy with the pea plant thing? Gregor Mendel.

What social science is a study of how culture is passed from one generation to another in an Amish community?

This is the study of cultural transmission within the Amish community typically falls under the social science of anthropology or sociology. Researchers may examine social rituals, educational practices, family dynamics, and community norms to understand how cultural values and traditions are maintained and transmitted across generations within the Amish society.

What organism did Gregor Mendel study in order to understand how traits are passed from one generation to the next?

He used the pea plant Pisum sativum.

What did Darwin claim the mechanism that caused evolution?

Natural selection with modification of traits. He could explain natural selection, however he had no explanation for modification of the traits from generation to generation (this had to wait for Gregor Mendel's theory of genetics, and the later discovery of nucleic acids and Watson and Crick's study of DNA to explain the storage of genetic information chemically).

What is the definition of hereditary?

Hereditary refers to characteristics or traits that are passed down from one generation to the next through genes. These traits can include physical attributes, predispositions to certain diseases, or behavioral tendencies inherited from biological parents.

When anthropologists study cultural traits they look for how they fit together in a cultural diffusion?

While cultural diffusion refers to the spread of cultural traits from one society to another, anthropologists study cultural traits by examining how they are interconnected within a particular society. They analyze how different traits interact and influence each other to understand the overall symbolism, meaning, and function of these traits within a cultural context.

What is heredity?

Hereditary transmission of the physical and psychical qualities of parents to their offspring; the biological law by which living beings tend to repeat their characteristics in their descendants. See Pangenesis.