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Q: What is the style of writing In the outsiders?
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What is the style of The Outsiders?

The style is old fashion.

What is S.E. Hinton's writing style?

The Outsiders is S.E. Hinton's most notable novel. For a list of her other works, please see Related Links below.

What does writing style mean?

a style of expressing yourself in writing

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The official style of writing is simplified writing. :)

What is James Fenimore Cooper's writing style?

Romantic writing style

Writing style are?

writing style includes: word choice, sentence fluency ,voice

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the Phoenicians developed a style of writing based on

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eniid blyton writing style was with parker pen

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Transcendentalism was a style of writing that emerged from the Romantic style of writing, around 1840.

What garde was Hinton in when she started writing the novel the outsiders?

Grade 5

What is Andrew Clements writing style?

His writing style is very easy to read and flows well.