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Q: What is the substance present at the start of a reaction?
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What is the difference between a reactant and a product in a chemical reaction?

Substances initially present in a chemical reaction that are consumed during the reaction or a substance that participates in a chemical reaction, esp a substance that is present at the start of the reaction while the end product of some chemical reactions yield products.

A chemical reaction begins with a substance called and ends with substance called?

Pure substances (or ELEMENTS) form COMPOUNDS after a chemical reaction. For example: Sodium and chlorine, when fused in a chemical reaction become the compound Sodium-Chloride The substance you have in the beginning of a chemical reaction are called reactants and the substance you have when chemical reaction is complete is called products.

Is decomposition reaction a chemical reaction?

It depends on the nature of the decomposition. if you are talking about biodegradeability in a substance, then no, its decomposition is mainly due to bacteria that will break down the various particles in the substance ("eat" them). There are, however certain chemical reactions which take place within the bacteria as the substance is being broken down, (much like those that happen in the human body) and the possibility of there being other products in the vicinity which may react to the substance (and degrade it) is always present. It could be said that decomposition is therefore a chemical reaction (or rather a series thereof), but with biodegradeability in mind it is not generally thought of as such.

A substance that undergoes change in a chemical reaction is called a what?

A substance that undergoes change in a chemical reaction is called a reactant.

How many chloride ions are present?

The number of chloride ions present in a given substance depends on the substance size and the type of substance.

Related questions

What is a chemical reactants and the products in the reaction?

Substances initially present in a chemical reaction that are consumed during the reaction or a substance that participates in a chemical reaction, esp a substance that is present at the start of the reaction while the end product of some chemical reactions yield products.

What is a substance that enters into a chemical reaction called.?

The reactant is the substance present at the start of a chemical reaction, while the product is the substance(s) formed from a chemical reaction.

Is it trueThe substance that are present when a chemical reaction begins are the products?

No: the substances present at the beginning of reaction are the reactants or reagents.

What substance lowers the energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

A substance that lowers the energy needed to start a chemical reaction is a catalyst.

What is the difference between a reactant and a product in a chemical reaction?

Substances initially present in a chemical reaction that are consumed during the reaction or a substance that participates in a chemical reaction, esp a substance that is present at the start of the reaction while the end product of some chemical reactions yield products.

What are the substance you start with in a chemical reaction?

The reactants

What is the purpose of adding an indicator to an unknown solution?

Adding an indicator to an unknown solution helps to visually show a change in the solution, indicating the presence or absence of certain chemical properties such as pH. This change can help in identifying the nature of the unknown solution or determining the endpoint of a reaction.

What is a substance that are present after the reaction has taken place?

These substances are called products.

Is it true that if the substance that are present when a chemical reaction begins are the products?


What are the substance that are present after the reaction has taken place?

These substances are called products.

What term describes a substance that lowers the energy needed to start a chemical reaction?

This substance is a catalyst.

The substances present when a chemical reaction begins?

During a chemical reaction, the substances present are called reactants. Reactants are the starting materials that undergo a transformation to form products in a chemical reaction.