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Mold produces substances called mycotoxins, which are toxic compounds that can be harmful to human health if ingested or inhaled. These mycotoxins can cause a range of health issues, from minor respiratory irritations to more severe allergic reactions or neurological symptoms.

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Q: What is the substance produced by mold?
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How did Alexander Fleming use each of the steps of the scientific method to discover pennacilin?

Observation: Fleming noticed that a mold was killing bacteria in a petri dish left open near a window. Hypothesis: He hypothesized that the mold was releasing a substance that was inhibiting bacterial growth. Experimentation: Fleming conducted experiments to isolate and identify the substance produced by the mold. Conclusion: He found that the substance, penicillin, effectively killed bacteria, leading to the discovery of the first antibiotic.

Who was first to discover penicillen?

Scottish bacteriologist Alexander Fleming is credited with the discovery of penicillin in 1928. He observed that a mold called Penicillium notatum produced a substance that killed bacteria, leading to the development of the first antibiotic.

What is the slivery liquid produced by calyx?

The silvery liquid produced by calyx is called honeydew. Honeydew is a sticky, sugary substance secreted by aphids and some other insects as a byproduct of feeding on plant sap. It can attract ants and other insects to the plant, and in large quantities, it can promote the growth of sooty mold.

What will be the control variable in a mold experiment?

The control variable in a mold experiment would typically be the conditions in which no mold is allowed to grow. This could involve using a sterile environment or a substance known to inhibit mold growth as a control to compare against experimental conditions.

How mold get color?

Mold gets its color from pigments produced by the mold as it grows. These pigments can range from green, blue, black, yellow, or red, depending on the species of mold. Environmental factors like light exposure and nutrient availability can also influence the color of mold.

Related questions

What is Die and mold?

There are a number of things that you could die an mold. Clay is one substance you can die and mold.

How did Alexander Fleming use each of the steps of the scientific method to discover pennacilin?

Observation: Fleming noticed that a mold was killing bacteria in a petri dish left open near a window. Hypothesis: He hypothesized that the mold was releasing a substance that was inhibiting bacterial growth. Experimentation: Fleming conducted experiments to isolate and identify the substance produced by the mold. Conclusion: He found that the substance, penicillin, effectively killed bacteria, leading to the discovery of the first antibiotic.

In the early twentieth century what was Alexander Fleming and hypothesis concerning the relationship between a yellow-green mold and certain strains of bacteria?

Alexander Fleming's hypothesis in the early twentieth century was that the yellow-green mold (later identified as Penicillium) produced a substance that inhibited the growth of certain strains of bacteria, leading to the discovery of penicillin. Fleming observed that the mold created a clear zone around itself where bacteria could not grow, suggesting that it produced a powerful antibacterial substance.

What Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin by making a study of?

mold novanet

What mold is penicillin produced from?


Who discovered pinicillion?

Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928. He observed that the mold Penicillium notatum produced a substance that could kill bacteria, leading to the development of the first antibiotic.

Penicillin is produced by what?

A form of mold

Is mushroom the greenish blackish substance that grows on stale bread?

No. That substance is called mold.

What process of mold formation?

Mold is formed by air catching the food or any substance and then it makes Mold form and then you can't touch it! D:

What important observation did Alexander Fleming make when he noticed that a pedri dish streaked with bacteria had been contaminated with a particular mold?

Alexander Fleming observed that the mold produced a substance that inhibited bacterial growth around it. This led to the discovery of penicillin, the first antibiotic to be developed.

What gas is produced when substance is produced?

That depends on what substance you are talking about.

Name a food produced using a mold?
