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okay let's say your putting sugar into coffee the solute is the sugar and solvent is the coffee. The Solvent coffee dissolves the solute "sugar" homogeneously amongst the solution.

So the answer to your question is the solvent does the dissolving

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Q: What is the substance that does the dissolving solute and solvent becoming evenly mixed?
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What is a solute and solvent that become evenly mixed?

Dissolving I think your referring to Homogenous meaning the solute is equally distributed throughout the solvent.

What does to spread out evenly in a liquid mean?

They are always evenly spread in standard temperature pressure.

What are naturally occurring in solutions?

Solutes and solvents. A simple solution is basically two substances that are evenly mixed together. A solute is the substance to be dissolved (for instance salt). The solvent is the one doing the dissolving (for example water).

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when you form a solution by mixing everything evenly, the solute will what into the solvent

Define a solution?

1_A homogeneous ( same throughout) substance formed when one substance (called a salute) dissolves into another ( known as the solvent). 2_Solution is a mixture in which its components are evenly mixed. A solution is formed when one or more solutes dissolve in a solvent.

When a solute spreads evenly when mixed with solvent?

It becomes a solution.

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A solution

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solute when mixed with solvent spread evenly

What is a solution is a kind of mixture that?

In a solution, the particles are dissolved into a substance and spread evenly throughout. The particle that dissolves in something is called a solute. The "something" that the solute is dissolved into is called the solvent. For example, in salt water, the salt is the solute while the water is the solvent.

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Is saltwater a heterogeneous mixture?

a homogeneous mixture in which one substance (the solute) is dissolved in another substance (the solvent). Example: salt water (Water, the solvent, plus salt, the solute, produces the solution of salty water.)