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The substance that enable a leaf to use sunlight to produce food is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts.

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Q: What is the substance that enables a leaf to use sunlight to produce food?
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What is the substance that enables a leaf to us sunlight to produce food?

The substance that enable a leaf to use sunlight to produce food is called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is found in chloroplasts.

What is the substance that enables a leaf to use sunlight to produce food A chlorophyll B photosynthesis C respiration D transpiration?

B. Photosynthesis

Which is the substance that enables a leaf to use sunlight to produce food?

This is one of my questions for home work and i dont know either but i hope that someone answers it plz answer it it is rather chlorophyll photosynthesis

Is the substance that enables a leaf to use sunlight to produce food?

This is one of my questions for home work and i dont know either but i hope that someone answers it plz answer it it is rather chlorophyll photosynthesis

What organism makes its own food and sunlight?

Plants make their own food in the presence of sunlight. Note: Nothing makes sunlight except the sun. Sunlight enables plants to conduct photosynthesis which produces food and energy for the plant.

The green pigment which enables plants to us sunlight and manufacture food?

The green pigment which enables plants to use sunlight and manufacture food is chlorophyll.

How do plants produce food from sunlight?

The chlorophyll in a plant's leaf traps the energy from the sunlight. A plant need carbon dioxide, water and sunlight to produce food.

What is an organelle that enables a plant to produce its own food?

The chloroplast, which contains chlorophyll, helps in photosynthesis.

Do Chloroplasts produce food from sunlight energy?

Yes. This is the part where plants produce their food.

What is the organelle in a plant cell that uses sunlight to produce food?

The type of organelle in a plant cell that uses sunlight to produce food is chloroplasts.

What organelle captures energy from sunlight and uses to produce food food for the cell?

The organelle that captures energy from sunlight and uses it to produce food for the cell is called a chloroplast.

Do plants produce food when they have no oxygen?

Yes, plants produce oxygen and need carbon dioxide and sunlight to produce food.