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Q: What is the substrate called when it leaves the enzyme?
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In an enzyme catalyzed reaction what is the reactant called?

Generally in an enzyme-catalyzed reaction, the reactant is called the substrate, which in association with the enzyme forms the product.

The substance acted upon by an enzyme is called its?

A substrate is the substance acted upon by an enzyme. The enzyme substrate complex is when an enzyme molecule combines with its substrates.

What is it called when and enzyme and substrate come together?

The binding of an enzyme and a substrate forms an enzyme-substrate complex. It lowers the activation energy of a chemical reaction

What are the molecules that enzymes act on called?

The molecule upon which an enzyme acts is called the substrate.

What is the name given to the substance that an enzyme works on?

An enzyme will alter its substrate although the specific substrate depends on the enzyme.

A specific reactant an enzyme acts upon is called the a catalyst b sucrase c active site d substrate?

D. substrate (a specific reactant acted upon by an enzyme is called the enzyme's substrate.)

What is the place where the substrate attaches to the enzyme?

The active site of an enzyme is the site where substrates undergo the reaction specfic to that enzyme.

What to enzymes do in an enzyme-substrate?

in an enzyme-substrate complex, the enzyme acts on the substrate .

What is the material that the enzyme works on called?

its called a substrate

An enzyme acts to?

Enzymes act on molecules called substrates. The kind of substrate depends on the shape of the enzyme.

The molecule on which an enzyme acts is called an?

The substance on which enzymes act are called substrates.

What is The reactant to which an enzyme binds called?

The substrate