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With early detection, 98% of men with prostate cancer survive for five years.

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It depends on what treatment you use and how advanced the cancer is, but there are some treatments that have anywhere from a 77% to an over 90% success rate.

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If caught at stage 1, then it can usually be cured. If it progresses past stage 1, then there is no cure; it's progression can usually be slowed down by drugs and radiation.

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Q: What is the survival rate for men with prostate cancer?
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What is the survival rate for men with stage IV prostate cancer?

the five year survival rate drops to 30% for Stage IV.

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Prostate cancer is more common in men with African-Caribbean and African backgrounds, but less common in men with Asian backgrounds. The survival rate for prostate cancer, 75% of prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men aged 65 years and over. Men under 50 account for around 1% of prostate cancer diagnoses.

3 deadliest types of cancer in men?

The cancer with the highest death rate in men is lung cancer. The second highest death among men is prostate cancer and colon cancer is rated very high in causing annual deaths in men.

What substance is found in blood of men with prostate cancer?

PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) is usually found in blood of men with prostate cancer.

What is most common cancer in men?

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men, followed by lung and colorectal cancers.

How many men are diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime?

90% of men will get prostate cancer if they live long enough. So if you took 10 men who were aged 100 years old, 9 of them will have prostate cancer.

Can women carry the prostate cancer gene?

No, the prostate cancer gene is only found in men.

What is the most deadliest form of cancer in men?

prostate cancer

Do Prostate cancer occurs in teenagers?

The incidence of prostate cancer increases with age, and though highly unlikely, it is theoretically possible for a teenager to develop prostate cancer. It is basically unheard of for a person under 35 to develop prostate cancer with under 0.1% of prostate cancer diagnoses. For the age group 35-44, the incidence of prostate cancer is about 9 per 1,000,000 men. The average age at diagnosis is 67.

Which ethnic group is most likely to get prostate cancer?

Prostate cancer affects African-American men twice as often as white men; the mortality rate among African-Americans is also two times higher. African-Americans have the highest rate of prostate cancer of any world population group.

Should only older men be concerned about prostate cancer?

In some instances, prostate cancer can strike younger men in their 40’s and 50’s, especially if there is a family history of prostate cancer, as well as older men. All adult men need to learn about this cancer and pay attention to their bodies." [From the Prostate Cancer Prevention and Control Initiative info page on, the official Web site of Massachusetts.]

Is lung cancer more common in men or women?

We have known for a long time that the survival rate for men with lung cancer is lower than it is for women. On the other hand, the good news is the death rate for lung cancer in men (unlike women) has been dropping in recent years.