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The suffix in "emotion" is "-tion," which is added to the root word "emotion" to form a noun.

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Q: What is the suffix in emotion?
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What is the suffix of emotion?

No. The base noun emotion is from the Latin emovere (to move, as with emotion, to emote).The suffix -al forms the adjective.

What is the suffix of the word emotion?

What is the suffix in the word emotion

What is the suffix of tion?

The suffix of tion is used to form abstract nouns from verbs (emotion) or is an expression of an action or state of something (condition) and can reflect associated meaning (relation)

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The suffix -ness added to the adjective 'serene' forms the noun sereneness.The suffix -ity added to the adjective 'serene' (after dropping the ending 'e') forms the noun serenity.

What is the meaning of suffix tion?

Its a noun identifier sorry for the bad example strangulate - restrict or stop circulation strangulation - the act or process of strangulating

What is the adjective when the noun is emotion?

You can use many different adjectives to modify the noun 'emotion'. Some examples: * a strong emotion * an intense emotion * a powerful emotion * a negative emotion * a useless emotion * a pleasant emotion To find more examples, do a Google search for "a * emotion" with the quotes.

Is neglectful a prefix or suffix?

Neglectful combines "neglect" with the suffix "-ful".

Are pentagons angry?

"The suffix agon actually means conflict, so in theory yes pentagons are very very angry." The suffix -agon has nothing to do with the meaning of the word pentagon, so this answer is of no relevance. I retain the answer here just to show how stupefying this answer really is. Pentagons are five-sided polygons. How in the universe would they have emotion? They are inanimant objects!

What is the suffix of trans and what is its meaning?

The suffix of trans is "-s," and it means "across" or "beyond." It is often used to indicate a movement or change from one state or place to another.

What is the suffix of the undoing?

The suffix of "undoing" is "-ing."

What is extreme emotion?

extreme emotion is more than a normal emotion, or emotional,

Does emotion depend on culture?

Emotion can be influenced by culture and culture can be influenced by emotion.