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Q: What is the suffixes of pathology?
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whats mean pathology suffixes?

Pathologization, to pathologize, refers to the process of defining a condition or behavior as pathological, e.g. pathological gambling. Pathologies is synonymous with diseases. The suffix "path" is used to indicate a disease, e.g. psychopath.

Types of suffixes?

There are multiple types of suffixes, including inflectional suffixes (such as -ing, -s, -ed), derivational suffixes (such as -er, -able, -ly), and compound suffixes (such as -ward, -wise). Inflectional suffixes modify the grammatical function of a word, derivational suffixes change the meaning or part of speech of a word, and compound suffixes are combinations of multiple suffixes added to a word.

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The suffixes of bakrey is -ery

What is the suffixes of absorbed?

The suffixes of "absorbed" are "-ed."

How many suffixes does carelessly?

Carelessly has 2 suffixes

What is the suffixes of knead?

The suffixes of "knead" are "-ed" and "-ing."

What are the suffixes for kneel?

The suffixes for "kneel" are "kneeled" and "kneeling."

Who is the father of pathology?

who is the father of pathology??

What is the plural possessive of suffix?

The plural form is suffixes. The plural possessive is suffixes'.

What has the author Kenneth M Brinkhous written?

Kenneth M. Brinkhous has written: 'Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, 1983' '1990 Year Book Of Pathology And Clinical Pathology' 'Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, 1986'

What is the difference between gross pathology and microscopic pathology?

Gross pathology refers to what can be seen with the naked eye, and microscopic pathology uses a microscope.

What are the suffixes of count?

The suffixes of "count" include "counter" and "countable."