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Q: What is the sum of these energies known as?
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What is the sum of all kinetic energy?

Thermal energy is the sum of kinetic energies, while temperature is the average of these kinetic energies.

How do you calculate delta H using bond energies?

ΔH = sum of the energies required to break old bonds (positive signs) plus the sum of the energies released in the formation of new bonds (negative signs).

What is all of the kinetic energy?

Thermal energy is the sum of kinetic energies, while temperature is the average of these kinetic energies.

What are the two energies?

There are no known "infinite energies" in our real Universe.

An objects mechanical energy is?

the sum of its potential and kinetic energies :)

What is amount of energy an object has in it?

It is the sum of the potential and kinetic energies

Ones internal thermal energy?

Internal energy is defined as the sum of the randomly distributed potential energies plus the sum of the randomly distributed kinetic energies within a closed system.

The sum of the kinetic and potential energies of all the particles in a system is called its?

The Hamiltonian.

What is the differences of heat and temperature?

SYEDA MARYIUM FATIMA:Heat is sum of all kinetic energies of all molecules in a body whereas,Temperature is average of all kinetic energies of all molecules in a body.

The sumof the kinetic and potential energies of a freely falling body is?

If the body is freely falling, this sum will remain constant.

What is the sum of kinetic energy and potential energies?

Mechanical Energy

Which type of energy refers to the sum of potential and kinetic energies in the particles substance?

Thermal energy A+++