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Q: What is the summary of Ulysses return to Ithaca?
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What year did Ulysses return to Ithaca?

In the myths our chronology does not apply.

What is the deffinition the word indefatigable mean?

The indefatigable resolve of Ulysses assured his eventual return to Ithaca.

What is Ulysses the king of?


What is Ulysses the god of?

Ulysses isn't a god he was the king of Ithaca. He is the Latin equivalent to the Greek Odysseus.

Where is Ulysses home?

Ulysses (aka Odysseus) was the King of Ithaca, which is an island on the west coast of Greece.

Did Odysseus return to Ithaca?

Yes, he returned after 20 years. Penelope (his wife) did not believe him at first but a little convincing did the job! This is a great summary of the odyssey and the return of Odysseus is at the bottom!

Was Ulysses also the god Uranus?

No. Ulysses was not a god. He was the king of Ithaca in Greece. His Greek name was Odysseus.

How close was Ulysses to Ithaca before opening the bag of winds?

very close could see Ithaca from the ship!

What are some family members of Odysseus in greek mythology?

Penelope is the faithful & persevering wife of Odysseus (Roman, Ulysses), their son is Telemachus. They live in Ithaca, waited for Odysseus' return.

What is the story of Odysseus?

Greek Mythology - This is a poem written by Homer, (the Odyssey) about the return trip home of Odysseus king of Ithaca, after the Trojan war. in Roman myth he is called Ulysses.

Who were the main characters of the adventures of Ulysses?

The main character in "The Adventures of Ulysses" is Ulysses, also known as Odysseus in Greek mythology. Other important characters include his wife Penelope, his son Telemachus, and various gods and goddesses. The story follows Ulysses as he struggles to return home to Ithaca after the Trojan War.

How many ships did Ulysses begin with?

Twelve ships were in Ulysses' fleet when he set out from the ruin of Troy to his home island of Ithaca.