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Q: What is the superstitious meaning for a twitching finger?
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What is the superstitious meaning for a twitching lip?

If the bottom lip twitches it means you will get a kiss. If your top lip twitches you will give a kiss.

What is the Superstitious meaning for eye twitching?

The superstitions are that when your left eye twitches it means something bad is going to happen. When your right eye twitches it means something good is going to happen. I have heard, when the top of your eye (say the eyelid) is twitching, something good is going to happen to you, but when the bottom of your eye is twitching, something bad is going to happen. If it is twitching really bad, the effectiveness is stronger than a little twitch.

What is the Superstitious meaning for a twitching eye?

The superstitions are that when your left eye twitches it means something bad is going to happen. When your right eye twitches it means something good is going to happen. I have heard, when the top of your eye (say the eyelid) is twitching, something good is going to happen to you, but when the bottom of your eye is twitching, something bad is going to happen. If it is twitching really bad, the effectiveness is stronger than a little twitch.

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you smelled something you never smelled be for

What is the meaning when the crab entered in your house in superstitious belief?


What does twitching mean?

to move spasmodically or convulsively; jerk; jump

What is the meaning if a whippoorwill sits on your roof top?

It means that after a while you will be very annoyed with the noisy bird. It has no other meaning. That is superstitious nonsense.

Osteoarthritis in middle fingerexcrutiating?

Treatment for Osteoarthritis on middle finger includes oral medications (NSAIDs or analgesics), physical or occupational therapy, steroid injections, surgery. In some cases, splinting is necessary if the finger is twitching.

What is the meaning of the pinky finger sticking out?

"Your penis is the size of my little finger"

Your ring finger on left hand is twitching involuntarily What is the cause?

i have the exact same symptoms after a rugby injury. i injured my neck and a day later i got a twitch in my ring finger and baby finger on my left hand. i went and got an x ray but they were concerned so i got an mri scan. i had stretched one or two fibres in a nerve in my neck. they said that my nerve was not conducting well so that's why my finger was twitching. i had also torn a muscle in my shoulder but i don't think that has anything to do with the twitch. if you strained your neck recently it could be related but i suggest you get it checked out.

What is the superstitious meaning of a bird pooping on you?

The superstition is that if a bird poops on you a loved one that had passed is upset with you.

What is the superstitious meaning for breast itching?

It means that you lifemate is near than you could ever imagine