

What is the surface diameter Mars?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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3,215,234 feet.

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Q: What is the surface diameter Mars?
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What is the surface diameter of Mars?


What is the sq miles of Mars?

Mars has a diameter of 4,222 miles but from pole to pole, the diameter is 4,196 miles. Mars bulges at the equator, just like Earth.

What is the size of Mars planet?

Mars' diameter is about half that of the Earth and it's mass is only 10% of the Earth's.The total surface area of Mars is about the same as the total land area of the Earth.

What is the total mass of mar's?

First of all, Mars does NOT have an apostrophe. Second of all, the diameter of Mars is 6794 km from the core to the surface.

What is Mars' Earth to planet ratio?

Radius/diameter . . . Earth's is 1.876 as big as Mars's Surface area. . . . . . 3.521 times as much as Mars has Volume . . . . . . . . . . 6.62 times as much as Mars's Mass. . . . . . . . . . . . 9.35 times as much as Mars has Surface gravity. . . . 2.66 times as strong as Mars's

How long is the diameter of Mars?

Mars is 6,794 km in diameter

What is Mars planet diameter?

The diameter of mars = 6794 kilometers

How little is Mars?

The diameter of Mars is 6,792 km across The surface area of Mars is 145 million square kilometers The volume of Mars is 1.63 x 1011 km3 The Mass of Mars is 6.4 x 1023 kg

What is the diameter of mars the diameter of Mars is approximately 6780 km or 4213 miles in diameter on average which is 0.53226 times that of the Earth?

The diameter of Mars is 6785 kilometers.

What is the diameter from the Sun to the mars?

there is no diameter for a diameter must have a full circle, and Mars has an elliptical orbit.

Do Mars and Earth have about the same diameter?

No. Mars has about half the diameter of Earth.

How many times longer is mars than the earth?

The diameter of Mars is about 53% of Earth's and the surface area is close to 38% of Earth's. When you put the numbers into a percentage, the surface area really seems small, but it is equal