

What is the surface of ball?

Updated: 1/18/2024
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11y ago

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Assuming it is a perfect sphere (or close to it), you can use the formula for a sphere. V = (4/3) pi r3.

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Q: What is the surface of ball?
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Does the surface affect the bounce of a ball?

Yes... If the surface is smooth, then the ball should bounce fine but if the surface is rough the ball will bounce all over the place.

A small ball is is put on top of a bigger ball and left to roll down the surface of the bigger ball. Where would the small ball leave the surface of the bigger ball?

it will leave the surface of the other ball roughly 1/4 of the way down to the other end.

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size and weight of the ball, density of the ball matter, density of the surface , tilt of the surface, grade and finish of the surface, and of course gravity!

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ON a slanted surface

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It does because when the ball hits the surface and the surface magnified would look rugged anyways when the ball hits the surface the friction pulls on the ball causind it to slow down and if you roll a brick down a hill you will find it will stop easier than a ball smooth surface

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Surface area of a ball or a sphere = 4*pi*radius squared

Which surface lets a ball roll farthest?

A ball rolling along any surface will be slowed by friction. Different materials used for the ball and the rolling surface will affect the distance a ball will roll but in general, the smoother and more polished the surface is, the further a ball will roll.

What surface will ball roll fastest on?

Dirt , assuming it is flat and dry . The answer depends upon the velocity of the ball and what resistance there is in either the dirt or grass .

Why would a ball roll better on one surface vs the other?

a ball would roll better on one surface vs the other because one surface may have more friction the the other surface. For example a smooth surface like a polished wooden floor would have a ball roll better than a carpet where the hairs are stopping the progression of the ball.

When a lead ball is placed on the surface of a viscous oil and is released which are the three forces acting on the ball?

gravity, buoyancy, surface tension.

How many times will a ball bounce?

It depends what height you drop the ball and what surface the ball is being dropped on.

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A bumpy surface