

What is the symbal for technetium on the periodic table?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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The chemical symbol of technetium is Tc.

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Q: What is the symbal for technetium on the periodic table?
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What period was technetium found in?

Technetium is in the period 5 of the periodic table.

What class is technetium?

Technetium is in the group 7, period 5 of the periodic table.

Where does technetium come in the periodic table?

Technetium is placed in the group 7 (manganese group) and period 5 of the periodic table of Mendeleev. The atomic number is 43.

What is the symbol for Technetium on the periodic table?

Technetium has the symbol of Tc. It has the atomic number of 43.

What is Tc on the periodic table?

Technetium. It has 43 protons and 55 neutrons and, of course, 43 electrons.

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the answer is Technetium

Which family does technetium belongs to?

The element technetium is a transitional metal. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on technetium.

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How were chemists able to predict the chemical properties of technetium?

The properties of technetium were predicted on the basis of the periodic table.

How did chemists predict technetium?

Technetium was predicted on the basis of the periodic table of Mendeleev because the number 43 remained empty.

What are the families of technetium?

Technetium is placed in the group 7 (manganese group) of the periodic table.

What family is technetium found in?

Technetium is placed in the group 7 (manganese group) and period 5 of the periodic table of Mendeleev.