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Q: What is the symbol above the two?
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What does two dots above two horizontal lines above two vertical lines mean medically?

The symbol you are referring to is the Caduceus, which is often mistakenly associated with the field of medicine. However, the correct symbol for medicine is the Rod of Asclepius, which consists of a single serpent entwined around a rod. The Caduceus is actually a symbol associated with commerce and negotiation.

What is the shorthand symbol for through?

The shorthand symbol for "through" is a horizontal line with two dots above it. It looks like this: ⇨.

What does the ditto symbol mean?

The ditto symbol (") is used in writing to indicate that the same words as above are repeated. It helps to avoid redundancy by showing that the information is the same as what was previously stated.

What is the Cherokee symbol for earth?

I think the Cherokee symbol for earth two lines slanting upwards like a pyramid with a small circle above but can't be sure.

What is the geometric symbol for skew lines?

Two non-parallel lines in space that do not intersect are called skew lines. The skew line symbol is a short horizontal bar above the two identifying letters.

What is the symbol for a square in math?

I will assume that you mean " to the power of two ". A symbol for any n-power is to put the number (n) on the side, above the number. Like this: nn.

What is Symbol for flow meter?

The above is the symbol of flow meter.

What does it mean when the symbol is above the symbol?

Depending upon which symbol you mean, it usually means that symbol DOUBLED.

What is the number above the elements symbol?

the number above the symbol is the atomic....... of that element.

What is the symbol that consists of two apostrophes and is used to indicate the word above it must be repeated?

That would be a ditto mark.

What is the symbol above the 7 on a keyboardkeyboard stand for?

The symbol above the 7 on the keyboard, "&", is an ampersand. It is used in place of the word "and".

What logo has a t with the greater than symbol above it?

Accenture has a logo with a t and a greater than symbol above it.