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Q: What is the symbol for potassuim on the peridoic table?
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What does HE stand for in the peridoic table of elements?

Helium (He) in a noble or inert gas, and it is in Group 18 of the periodic table.

Who was responsible for developing the peridoic table?

Dmitri Mendeleev

What is and Alkali Metal?

Metals in group 1 on peridoic table

Who is known as the father of the peridoic table of elements?

Dmitri Mendeleev was the inventor of the periodic table of elements.

Who was mardelev?

Mardelev was the scientist who was the first person to discorver or invent the peridoic table!

What does Au stand for on the peridoic table of elements?

Most of the symbols on the Periodic Table have symbols for the latin name of the element. AU = Aureum = Gold.

Where are the metals and nonmetals located on the peridoic table?

The metals are located in the left going toward the right. The nonmetals are located in the right going down the periodic table.

Name a metal on the peridoic table?

Tungsten. Mercury. Tin. Gold. Lithium. Potassium. Calcium. Sodium. Titanium. Chromium.....................................................

Why is potassuim k?

Potassuim is k because it is latin.

What is peridoic table?

It's a table listing the elements, organized in columns of similar types of elements with respect to their chemical bonding characteristics, based on their atomic numbers and electron configurations.

What is the difference between Si and SI?

SI is Sulphur and Iodine, Si is Silicon. Tehy are both different elements on the peridoic table

What does the letter K in the Periodic table stand for?

The element Potassium (symbol K from its old name of 'kalium')Potassium.