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Clinical signs of the disease may include:

  • temperature rise in the early stages
  • animals is off its food, dull and the coat is staring
  • sometimes shivering can be seen
  • breathing is quick: a watery or mucous discharge flows from the eyes and nostrils; in the latter case there may be a slight amount of blood in the discharge
  • in milking cows the secretion of milk is diminished or arrested
  • the membrane of the nostrils reddens, and an eruption, like grains of bran, appears in the nostrils and inside the lips and cheeks - this eruption is often followed by distinct ulceration
  • the animal is at first constipated, but in the later stages diarrhoea often sets in - in this case the dung has a foul smell and is often tinged with blood.

The animal rapidly loses condition and the disease usually terminates fatally in from 6 to 10 days. Rinderpest does not attack single animals in a herd, but spreads rapidly from one to another.

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Q: What is the symptoms for the disease rinderpest?
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