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the main symptoms of black mold poisoning are: * Uneasiness in respiration * Headaches * Cough * Red eyes * Development of rashes and hives on skin * Nausea * Memory loss * In some cases, people experience bleeding in lungs * Lethargy * Dizziness * Lack in concentration * Problem caused due to irritation in mucous membranes * Asthma * Allergic reactions (such as itching of nose, runny nose etc.) of respiratory and/or nervous system etc. * Irregularity in blood pressure * Damaged digestion and respiratory system * Infections of urinary track, problems in urination etc. * Pain in liver and other internal organs they are the symptoms of black mold poisoning. hope this helps, and if you ever see any walls trees ect, or they look brownish, black, or greenish yellow, STAY AWAY!!!

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Q: What is the symptoms of black mold poisoning?
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What are the symptoms of black mold poisoning?

Some symptoms of black mold poisoning are memory loss, headaches, cough and rashes or hives amongst other things.

What kind of symptoms should I look for if I had a black mold poisoning?

You should look for headache, rash, difficulty breathing/irregular breathing, dizziness, and nausea. For a complete list of symptoms, you can check (

I have experienced heart problems all of a sudden in the past few years and we have moved into a house with mold issues.Can the mold make you have heart problems?

Heart problems are not typical symptoms of black mold. Symptoms of black mold poisoning include dizziness, headaches, asthma, memory loss, red eyes, coughing and sometimes bleeding in lungs.

Are black mold symptoms similiar to allergy symptoms?

Several of the symptoms are similar for both problems. However, with black mold, symptoms include memory loss and less brain function.

What are some medical symptoms associated with black mold?

The primary symptoms of black mold exposure are allergy-type symptoms such as runny nose, hives, teary eyes, etc.

What are the common black mold symptoms?

Common black mold symptoms are sneezing, skin irritation, headache, coughing, watery eyes, fever, vomiting, diarrhea and chills. Black mold can result cause brain and lung damage as well as cancer.

Symptoms of Black Mold Poisoning?

Black mold is an asexually-reproducing, natural fungi that is known by its scientific name, stachybotrys. Black mold is actually just one of many species of stachybotrys and is frequently found in places where there exists a less than adequate air quality. The fungus is generally found in water-damaged regions and buildings. Exposure to black mold for a significant period of time can result in several problems for humans and other animals. The biggest health risk for humans is black mold poisoning. The following is a list of black mold symptoms that may arise if a person has contracted black mold poisoning: Allergic Reactions An allergic reaction may arise when black mold is present. Some individuals may have a greater allergic reaction to the mold than others, mostly due to the differences in immune systems. Allergic reactions may include runny noses, itchy eyes, coughing, and sneezing. In some cases, more severe allergic reactions may arise such as sinus infections and asthma. Skin Irritation All types of fungi will cause irritation if they come in contact with skin. This is one of the annoyances associated with black mold symptoms. Exposure to black mold, or other types of fungi, can irritate the mucous membranes and the central nervous system, also. This will lead to other symptoms such as headaches, difficulty concentrating, and dizziness. Damage to the Digestive or Respiratory Systems Black mold is known for the infections and problems that it causes when it finds a home within the human body. If large amounts of this fungi are able to enter the body they can cause severe problems in the digestive and respiratory problems. This may include a urinary track infection, pain in the liver and lungs, or difficulty going to the bathroom. In extremely rare cases, prolonged exposure to black mold may eventually cause infertility in the infected patient. If black mold or any other type of mold is found within your home or office, you should be aware of black mold symptoms and immediately ask for assistance to control the mold problem. Many areas have home repair professionals who are skilled in removing and preventing mold occurrences within buildings. Individuals who live in humid, wet regions are at the greatest risk of exhibiting black mold symptoms.

What are some health symptoms that can be caused by black mold?

When exposed to black mold, symptoms may seem very flu-like and can include headaches, skin irritation and respiratory problems.

What type of doctor should I contact if I am experiencing black mold symptoms?

You can see a doctor that is a general practitioner. Just inform the doctor that you have been exposed to black mold and advise them of your symptoms..

What are some of the symptoms of inhaling black mold?

Inhalation of black mold symptoms are: itchy throat, asthma, sinus headache and or nasal congestion. There are many more symptoms also. It would be a good idea to see a doctor.

What does black mold cause?

Although the various species of black mold fungi can cause severe respiratory distress and allergy symptoms in some people, there are no scientific studies that have made the link between them and cancer, although many people cite anecdotal evidence linking leukemia to the presence of mold in buildings. The science of airborne molds and fungi is just getting off the ground. yes it has given me cancer im dying at age 15

What kind of symptoms can a person get from having black mold in their home?

An allergic reaction to black mold can be serious and fatal,trouble breathing is a big warning sign.