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Q: What is the system used for measuring weight in a doctors office?
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What is A math problem used by doctors?

Doctors use math daily: - measuring height and weight (percentages, ratios) - measuring blood pressure and heart rate (fractions) - measuring dosages of medications - measuring levels of blood, urine, saliva, or other samples

Where can I go to get information on weight loss surgery doctors?

Your doctor should have a list in his/her office of weight loss surgery doctors. You can also go to type in your information and you will find phone numbers and addresses of weight loss doctors.

Where can I find information on weight loss guidelines for teenagers?

You can find out information on weight loss guidelines for teenagers at the doctors office. You can also find information in books, magazines, and through various weight loss centers.

What would you measure human weight in using the metric system?

The metric unit for measuring human weight is actually the Newton (N). Newton's are a measure of force and weight is the product of the acceleration of gravity and an objects mass. The metric unit for measuring human mass is the kilogram (kg).

What is the weight a body wants to maintain called?

USUALLY, IT IS refered to as your IDEAL weight, meaning that is what you should weigh for your sex, age & height. Many times, doctors have reference charts in their office.

Kilogram is the unit of measuring?

A kilogram is a unit of measuring weight.

Metric unit for measuring weight?

The SI unit for measuring weight (the force due to gravity) is the newton.The SI unit for measuring mass is the kilogram.

Why do scientist use the metric system?

It is a more precise way of measuring

The metric system of weights and measures?

The metric system is an international decimalised system of measurement, first adopted by France in 1791, that is the common system of measuring units used by most of the world.

Why did the change from the imperial number system to metric?

To simplify the system. The decimal or metric system makes the task of measuring weight, volume, length,or money calculation so much easier.

Is scale a verb or noun?

it is both. you can scale something by climbing it. but it is also a noun because there are scales, like say, a weight scale at a doctors office

What will happen to the weight reading if a rock is dropped into water?

It depends what the weight reading was originally measuring. If it was measuring the weight of the experimenter and the rock they were holding, and the water is not being held by them, then the weight will decrease by the weight of the rock. If it was measuring the weight of the water into which the rock it dropped, then it will increase by the weight of the rock. If it was measuring the weight of something totally unrelated to the experiment, then dropping the rock will have no measurable effect on the reading of the weight. Context needs to be given for the weight reading for a proper answer to be given.