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The tallest building in Detroit is the Renaissance Center, a complex of 5 buildings. the middle one is the tallest.

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Q: What is the tallest buliding in Detroit?
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What is the tallest buliding?

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It is called the Burj Dubai and it is 2,717 feet tall.

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The Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE is the tallest building in the world, stretching to a height of 2,717 feet.

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go to the tallest buliding near you and jump off plz do so asap because you are so retarted Soure:the 40 old virgin

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The biggest building in the world is Burj Khalifa. Construction began in September 21 2004, and was finished in January 17 2009. The grand opening was held on January 4, 2010. Hope this helped!

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a structer is used as a base as a buliding for a big buliding

What is the tallest building demolished in 2007?

the tallest building demolished is the 439 ft Hudson building in Detroit, Michigan, USA. it took 2,278 lb of explosives to detonate in 9.5 seconds for the building to be turned into 595 million lb of rubble.