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Q: What is the tallest living quadruped animal on Earth?
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What is the tallest living quadruped on earth?


On what continent would you find the tallest animal on earth?

Africa: the giraffe.

What is the name of the biggest living animal on earth?

The Blue Whale is the largest animal living on Earth.

Is earth a mammal?

no earth is a planetThe Earth is not an animal of any sort, it is not a living thing

What is the biggest animal living on earth today?


Who was the tallest mean on earth?

the tallest person on earth was, Robert Wadlow. He was from Alton, Illinois. He died June 1940, and at that time he measured up at the ginormous height of 8feet and 11.1 inches, almost 9 feet tall. sadly cause of his height, he didnt live long.but the tallest living person on earth is, Radhouane Charbib. he measures up at 7feet 8.9inches, nearly a foot and a half shorter than the tallest man ever on earth.

What animal lives in the core of earth?

No animal living on earth can survive the temperatures in the earths core. The temperature is between 5000-9000 degrees.

When was The Tallest Man on Earth born?

The Tallest Man on Earth was born on 1983-04-30.

What is the largest of the living things on earth?

The largest animal is the blue whale.

Which animal runs very fast?

The fastes living animal on earth is the chetah.

Slowest-growing animal on earth?

The slowest growing animal on Earth is the tortoise. Unsurprisingly, they also have one of the longest life expectancies of any animal on Earth, living up to 190 years.

What is the tallest non living thing on earth?

The tallest man-made object is a building, the Burq Dubaiin the United Arab Emirates.The tallest natural point is Mount Everest, in the Himalayas of Nepal.(There are some mountains in South America that because of the bulge of the Earth are farther from the Earth's center, but not from the surface.)