

What is the tallest word in french?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The longest French word is 'anticonstitutionnellement', but I doubt there are any 'tall' words in French.

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Q: What is the tallest word in french?
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No. The tallest mountains in France are "French Alps" with Mont Blanc (tallest mountain in Europe - 4810m).

Is the word tallest an adjective?

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Can you give a short sentences using the word taller and tallest?

That tree is taller, but not the tallest.

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Shortest maybe?

Is tallest a common noun?

No, the word 'taller' is an adjective, a word that describes a noun; the comparative form for the adjective tall (taller, tallest). Example sentence:The taller sister is Megan; the tallest one is their brother Matt.

How do you interpret the tallest as a superlative for the tall person?

We know that the word tallest is a superlative descriptive word because of the 'est' suffix. When you compare two people's heights use taller. Use tallest when comparing 3 or more.

What are the famous mountains in France?

The French Alps with Mont Blanc being the tallest.

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What is another word for tallest?

u are so gay!

What is an anagram for tallest nuclei?

There is one possible anagram for the phrase 'tallest nuclei'.When rearranged these letters can spell the word intellectuals.