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Q: What is the tectonic plat that pushes against the Eurasian plate to form the alps and other geographical features?
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What tectonic plate pushes against the Eurasian plate to form the alps and other geographical features?


What are the two plates that collide to form the Himalayas?

The Himalayan mountain chain is formed by the convergence of the Indian and Eurasian plates. This mountain formation due to convergent plates is more correctly known as an orogeny or orogenic event. Please see related links.

What forms when continents colide?

Continents collide when tectonic plates collide. For example, let's look at Europe and Africa. Europe is located on the Eurasian Plate while Africa is located on the African Plate. The African Plate is currently colliding with the Eurasian Plate. In the future, this will cause the Mediterranean Sea to disappear and the Mediterranean Mountains will form. When continents collide, mountains are usually formed. In addition, they form a new connected landmass. Tectonic plates can also scrape against each other, which causes an earthquake.

What events occur when the tectonic plates move and grind against each other?

When tectonic plates move and grind against each other, this is an earthquake. If the moving of tectonic plates were to occur beneath the ocean's surface, the result would be a tsunami.

Do all the tectonic plates move in the same direction?

No, they do not. The tectonic plates grind and scrape against others, witch causes earthquakes

What Nazca tectonic plate presses against which continent?

South America

Why do tectonic plates move against each other?

tectonic plates move against each other essentially because of the movement of molten rock underneath the earth's surface or crust. This movement causes the plates to rub against each other.

How do Japan get earthquake?

The tectonic plates near it rubbed against each other.

Why were earthquakes common in china?

Cause the tectonic plates are rubbing against eachother.

Why do most earthquakes occur near tectonic plate boundaries?

Tectonic plates move along, against, or away from eachother at their boundaries. These movements produce earthquakes

Why are most of the earthquakes and volcanoes located at the border of the tectonic plates?

Beacause plates, at tectonic, boundaries shift against each other.

What would happen if tectonic plates glided against each other?

A small earthquake