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2-3 degrees less than body temp.

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Q: What is the temperature around human testis?
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Why does scrotum contract in winter?

When the temperature get too cold for the testis they pull up into the body.

What is the temperature of male rabbit testis?

475 degrees the same as your moms vagina

What is the human temperature of urine?

The temperature of human urine is 98.6. But its cools fast just like water.

What is the function of a ovary or a testis in a squid?

the fuction of the testis is to mate with human women that swim in the ocean.. the squid swims inside of womans nose and goes to town... making babies

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What does unremarkable scrotal ultrasound mean?

The scrotum is the sac around the testis and the ultrasound test that was done showed nothing abnormal. Everything is fine.

Why is the testis located in the scrotum instead of in the abdominopelvic cavity?

Temperature regulation. Normal internal body temperature is slightly too warm for optimal sperm production.

Does it hurt when a boys balls drop?

Yes , the balls drop to reduce the testis temperature. If they remain in body, the sperm may die due to the higher temperature.

Why are the testis supped in the scrotal sac outside of the body?

To keep sperm cooler than core body temperature.

What are the differential diagnosis of empty scrotum?

1- Undescended testis 2- Ectopic testis 3- Atrophic testis 4- Retractile testis 5- Surgically removed testis

Why testis and ovary are important in human reproduction?

Because they manufacture the cells necessary to create another life.

Which structure provides the optimum temperature for sperm production?

it's less of a structure and more of a feature. the fact that the testicles hang outside of the body allows them to be in a cooler environment that is more ideal for sperm production this ideal temperature is around 34-35 degrees Celsius