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Q: What is the temperature at which paint ignites?
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What does 451 symbolize in Fahrenheit 451?

It is the temperature paper ignites at, homey.

What will happen if the ignition temperature is lower than the room temperature?

If the ignition temperature of a substance is lower than the room temperature where it is, then that substance ignites.

What is the state of paint at room temperature?

Paint is a liquid at room temperature.

At what temperature will paint crystallize?

The temperature is dependent on the chemical nature of the paint - there are many different types of paint.

What is the best temperature to paint a wall?

The best temperature to paint a wall is warm ok bye

How does temperature affect paint?

it affects it because the hotter the temperature is the aster paint will dry.

What is the chemical reaction between magnesium and oxygen called?

Oxidation. At high temperature magnesium ignites - and that is called combustion.

What is the singificance of the number 451 in Fahrenheit 451?

It is the supposed (claimed to be at the time the book was written) temperature at which paper ignites.

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the temperature the fuel ignites xx

What is the difference between ignition temperature and spontaneous ignition temperature in a fuel cell?

The minimum temperature the fuel ignites self sustained combustion is known as spontaneous ignition temperature. The temperature at which the substance is preheated and burns smoothly is known as ignition temperature.

What is the ignition temperature of pariffin wax?

For "piloted" ignition (i.e., ignites when a flame is applied), 390F. For spontaneous ignition, 473F.

Is it safe to use house paint to paint an oven?

No, you can not use house paint to paint an oven. You must use a high temperature paint