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Q: What is the temperature if a cricket is not chirping at all?
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Can you calculate the temperature based on cricket chirping?

yes they can

What is a chirping insect?

A cricket.

What temperature do crickets stop chirping?

Crickets feel vibrations of movement and stop chirping in response to danger. Male crickets make the noise with their forewings to attract a mate and will continue to chirp when they feel the danger is gone.

What does it mean if crickets stop chirping?

the cricket stops chirping once the sunrises and when it finds a mate

You rarely see this insect but you often hear it chirping?

The insect you rarely see but often hear chirping is the cricket. They are the ones who come out at night and they are very loud.

What does cricket chirping tell us about?

It means they are trying to attract a female or they are trying to drive away a male. Crickets also chirp at certain speeds depending the temperature. For example when it's hot they chirp fast, when it gets cold they slow the chirping. Only the males can do this.

How can you calculate the temperature based on the chirping?

it depends on how fast he is chirping your mama

What do you get if you cross a chirping insect with a flying mouse?

Cricket Bat

What is the technical word for the chirping sound the cricket makes?


What sound do grasshopper make?

chirping sound

What does it mean when you find a cricket in your home?

If a cricket is in your house and is chirping constantly without pause, it is said that a pregnancy is soon to come. If a cricket is in the house and pauses in the chirping it is said that you will come into some money. If a cricket is in your home, it is bad luck to kill it. If a cricket comes into your home and it is silent, it means death is impending.

What is nature's thermometer?

Crickets are called a natural thermometers. These crickets are one of nature's more interesting insects, partly because of their musical ability. In England, the chirping or singing of a cricket was once considered to be a sign of good luck.One of the interesting facts about crickets is that their activity is dependent upon the temperature.As a result of this, they can be thought of as "natural" thermometers. The rate of a cricket's chirp increases as the temperature increases and depends on the type of cricket. So if you know the right formula and the type of cricket you hear chirping, you can estimate the temperature by counting the chirps. Changes in humidity and different crickets of the same type also produce variations in a cricket's chirping rate. The dominant factor, however, is temperature, so formulas relating temperature to the number of chirps are fairly accurate.Start your stopwatch and start counting the number of chirps the cricket makes in 15 secondsWrite down the number of chirps that you getAdd that number to 40That number should be pretty close to the actual temperature!Get a thermometer and check to see if this is true.