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Lop-eared rabbits have the same temperature ranges as all pet rabbits.

  • 40F (5C) and under: Bunnies need indoor heating, they can't be left outside in these temperatures.
  • 40-55F (5-13C): Bunnies should be completely away from breezes, and they should have boxes inside their shelters filled with clean & dry hay and bedding, where they can snuggle and maximize body heat.
  • 55-75F (13-24C): Ideal temperatures.
  • 75-80F (24-27C): Bunnies are at risk of over-heating and should be completely away from direct sunlight; encourage plenty of water consumption and fresh wet veggies, provide cool surfaces to lie on or beside (like frozen ceramic tiles and water bottles), mist the ears with water, brush out excessive fur (in regular short bursts rather than one extended session -- the brushing can increase their body temp).
  • 80F (27C) and over: Bunnies need indoor air-conditioning; if this isn't possible, step up the cool-down methods recommended above, install an electric fan, and keep a serious eye out for heat stroke.
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Q: What is the temperature range for a lop-eared rabbit?
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What is the rectal body temperature for rabbit?

the rectal body temperature of a rabbit is 37oC-39oC

What is the body temperature of a rabbit?

The body temperature of a rabbit ranges between 101 degrees Fahrenheit to 103 degrees Fahrenheit (38.3 degrees Celsius to 39.4 degrees Celsius). This temperature is normal for a rabbit.

How do you find a temperature range?

The highest temperature minus the lowest temperature is the temperature range. The temperature range is how many degrees is in between the highest and lowest temperatures.

What is the normal body temperature of a rabbit in degrees celsius?

The normal body temperature of a rabbit in degrees Celsius is: 36.8 °C - 41.4 °C.

What type of fruit and vegetable does a lopeared rabbit eat?

Lop-eared rabbits like the exact same fruits and vegetables as other pet rabbits. All rabbits are individuals with individual likes and dislikes, but whether their ears are upright or flopped over makes no difference. See the related questions below for more info and helpful links.

What is the temperature mini-rex rabbit?

All pet rabbit breeds, including the Mini Rex, should have the same internal temperature. A rabbit's rectal temperature should be between 99-104F (37.2-40C). If the rabbit's temperature is higher or lower than this, immediate veterinary care is necessary. See the related question below for more info and helpful links.

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Depending on the size of the rabbit, their droppings can range from pea sized to marble sized.

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How do you calculate the range in temperature?

To calculate the range in temperature, subtract the lowest temperature from the highest temperature in the data set. This will give you the spread of temperatures from the lowest to the highest in the range.