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It seems that a temp. of about 100 degrees is required.It is recommended that you use an incubator to achieve this constant temperature until it hatches.

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Q: What is the temperature required to hatch a house sparrow egg?
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Related questions

What temperature must a house sparrow egg must to hatch?

Almost as warm as about 35 to 90 degrees. Over that and you will boil the egg.

What temperature does a house finch egg need to hatch?

57 degrees

How long for the sparrow eggs to hatch?

Most birds that have the name of 'sparrow' lay their eggs in spring and summer. If good conditions apply- such as plentiful food and mild weather- then they can breed all year round. The House Sparrow certainly can, which is one reason it is so common in many countries.

Is a house sparrow a native or exotic species?

a house sparrow is an exotic bird no a native bird!

Is a House Sparrow a warmblooded animal or a cold-blooded animal?

A House Sparrow is a Warm-blooded animal

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Yes. The house sparrow has a symbiotic relationship with the eagle.

What is the web address of the Richard Sparrow House in Plymouth Massachusetts?

The web address of the Richard Sparrow House is:

What is 'house sparrow' in Latin?

The Latin equivalent of 'house sparrow' is Passer domesticus. In the word-by-word translation, the noun 'passer' means 'a sparrow or small bird'. The adjective 'domesticus' means 'relating to the family or house, domestic'.

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What is the top speed of a sparrow?

A common House Sparrow can fly around 28 mph.

What is the phone number of the Richard Sparrow House in Plymouth Massachusetts?

The phone number of the Richard Sparrow House is: 508-747-1240.

Where is the Richard Sparrow House in Plymouth Massachusetts located?

The address of the Richard Sparrow House is: 42 Summer St, Plymouth, MA 02360-3456